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Monday, November 30, 2009

15 minute chili

There are those who argue that a good chili must simmer and stew for at least 3 or 4 hours. I used to be one of these folk until yesterday.

I had about 20 minutes to make food and Amy (my wife) suggested chili. Naturally, I scoffed and repeated the aforementioned food law to her. She rolled her eyes and proceeded to thoroughly prove me wrong.

HOLY CRAP this stuff was good!

And the magic of it is how simple and quick it was to bring about such gastronomic excellence.

Why A Food Blog?

So, I told some folks that I wanted to start a food blog and was asked what my reasoning was. Here are several of the reasons (though not all of them):
1. I love eating great food
2. I love cooking new and interesting foods
3. I enjoy sharing my recipes and meal ideas with others
4. My friends Todd and John inspired me with their awesome blog, Shameless, I know.
5. I also want to share my opinion of local eateries in the Hampton Roads area (as well as Ann Arbor; Springfield, MO; and maybe even some places in Roseville/Sacramento, CA).
6. I'm a picky eater soetimes and I like being snarky about food.

So, hopefully, this blog will allow me to inspire others to culinary greatness as well as inform others of some great places to eat.
