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Sunday, May 1, 2011


Wow...look at this poor neglected website.  I oughta be ashamed.  So, look for this site to be up and running on a semi-regular basis again starting next month.  I'll spare you the long story of why this site fell to the wayside and just suffice to say it involved my keyboard of my laptop being destroyed, my laziness with uploading pics and my general lack of freetime to maintain the site.  Also, I was working at improving my marriage and not spending so much time online while at home. 

But nevertheless, I will return in June with fresh dining experiences from Rio De Janiero, Glasgow and other various places I have traveled to and eaten at in the past year and a half. 

I would start this up sooner, but unfortunately, I am at sea and won't return until next month.

So until June, I bid you farewell and wish you a pleasant dining experience wherever you may be.