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Saturday, July 23, 2011

Double Feature: Grilled Pizza on my new Grill/Blue Moon Summer Honey Wheat Review

I was hoping to post about my new grill sooner, but due to operational commitments I was unable to until now.
Last Saturday, Amy and I bought a new grill so we could cookout at the new house.

Behold, the STOK Tower
This thing took about an hour to put together, but the end result was great.  One of my favorite features of this thing is that it has a built in charcoal chimney in the base that doubles as an ash canister for easy removal of old ashes.
You fill the wire basket on top of the canister with wadded up newspaper, then the whole thing hooks in under the grate that the charcoal goes on and then you light the newspaper.  There's also a charcoal basket that can be inserted from the top to keep the charcoal in the center for quicker and easier heating.  Then, when the coals reach a temperature you want to cook at, you can use the insert removal tool to take the basket out and it will spread the coals on the grate for you to use the whole grill for direct heat cooking.  You also have the option of leaving the basket in while you cook and use the outer edges for slow cooking or for items that need a lower temp to cook properly such as veggies or for toasting buns and such. As was alluded to with the charcoal basket, this grill also has a great feature of a center grilling area which can be swapped out for different functions such as
a pizza stone
you can see the charcoal basket under the stone in this pic...

Or a chicken roasting pan...with beercan holder for drunken chicken.
or just a regular grilling insert
There is an insert removal tool that is used to safely swap out the inserts, though it doesn't work with the pizza stone.  However, the pizza stone is supposed to go in and come out cold anyway, so it's really not needed.  
Okay, so enough talk of the grill.  On to the pizza and beer.
So, after seeing that you can grill pizza on this thing, i had to try it.  It works great!  The pizza has a nice firm crispy bottom, but still has a nice chewy crust on the sides.  It ends up tasting a lot like a brick oven pizza.  Delicious, yet a bit too crispy and cooked for Audrey's discriminating tastes.
Yes, her official quote is "I only like pizza while it's raw."  What she probably meant was that she didn't like the crispy crust, which I can understand as I'm not fond myself of thin crust pizza.  Seriously, it's like a pizza cracker.
Anyway, the grill insert is just the right size for making personal size pizza, but we made some really thick crust, so only half the pizza was actually eaten.
Amy's pizza was not cooperating when I tried to move it from the peel to the grill, so I ended up making it a calzone.
It ain't pretty, but it is tasty...
The pizza turned out really well and I enjoyed mine with a Blue Moon Summer Honey Wheat beer.
Yes, I'm eating off a baking sheet.  Anyway, the beer was okay.  I'm more a fan of darker, stronger beers, so I was a bit disappointed with the flavor.  Really, I was expecting something closer to the taste of regular Blue Moon, which is more like a Belgian White.  This stuff was more like a Budweiser Select.  I was at least expecting it to be as rich as J.W. Dundee Honey Brown, but it was pretty flavorless.  I've had Blue Moon's Pumpkin Spice Ale and Harvest Moon and they were both fantastic.  So, I was expecting a lot more out of this.  It wasn't terrible, but it didn't meet my expectations.  If you like Budweiser, but you want to pay more for the taste, try Blue Moon Summer Honey Wheat.

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